Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Jim Rohn and The Success Store

Without a doubt Jim Rohn had a significant effect on me AND my thinking when I first became involved with personal development, success achievement and wealth-building. It is true that wealthy people and poor people do think differently and THAT is the primary difference between being poor and being wealthy. Mr. Rohn explains how his mentor, Earl Shoaf, helped him to see that he had been thinking like a poor person and that once he changed himself that the world around him would change. Mr. Rohn went from being a poor store clerk in a JC Penney's store to being a multi-millionaire with several successful businesses. The story of his transformation is embedded with pearls of wisdom as passed on to him by his personal mentor as well as many other successful people.

The Success Store carries many wonderful books and audio products that contain those same pearls of wisdom. Many successful people are fond of saying that if you want to be successful, don't listen to people in the same situation or economic circumstances you're in; listen to and read advice from people who have already made it to where you want to be. If people in the same boat you're in really knew what to do to better their circumstances, they'd have already done it!

Success is not just about becoming more wealthy either. It is about becoming a better person than you already are. The tools and resources available through the link below will help you accomplish that goal. To your success!

Visit YourSuccessStore.com Today!

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